children’s playground spring rocker

children’s playground spring rocker

Сhildren’s playground spring rocker is a play element for children aged 2-3 years and consists of a support platform, a strong steel spring and a seat.

02.10.2020 01:19


hildren’s playground spring rocker

is a play element for children aged 2-3 years and consists of a support platform, a strong steel spring and a seat. The equipment is compact and does not take up much space on the street.


hildren’s playground spring rocker

sways providing movement in several planes, and the child maintains balance.

Children’s playground spring rocker

is made according to the same principle, but differ in the shape and color of the seats.

Today on sale you can find

children’s playground spring rocker

with one spring and with a coupled spring block. This design perfectly compensates for the increased load and is designed for simultaneous use by several preschool children. The equipment can be easily integrated into a ready-made outdoor playground and will become a favorite place for kids to play.


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